Ok, let see....stuff about me.....well
I live in upstate N.Y Im one if 6 kids, i'm Italian and can be very loud sometimes lol... i'm like 5'6,
there are pics of me around the site so just look if u want a pic... well idk what else to put so any other
questions just ask lol.
~*~ The lil angel ~*~
Me, Cody, and Nicole in LG July 3rd |
Stuff i love
hmmm....Lets see, stuff i love.... snowboading, dancing, being warm, having lots of pillows and blankets, cuddling,
hanging out with my friends, taning, swimming, hanging out by the pool, sleeping late, shoping, being in the rain, Mamaroneck,
easy going ppl, hot guys, bestfriends, stayin out all night, Lake George, Nice cars....ect lol
Favorite Quotes
I lOvE yOu MoRe tHaN wOrDz cAn sHoW I tHiNk bOuT u MoRe tHaN u cOUlD eVa KnO NoW uNtIlL fOrEvA tHiS wIlL b tRuE BcUZ
tHeRez nO *oNe* i CoUld eVa lOvE *As mUcH aS i LoVe YoU*