SaD/hEaRt BrEaK qUoTeS.
AbOuT mE!!
My otha half (lol)
What Does It Take To Be Free?
PiCs Of MaH FaMiLy!!!
MaH gIrLz
MaH bOyZ!!
My Cali guy!!
Laph In Ya Fase Recordz!!!
SaD/hEaRt BrEaK qUoTeS.
..::-WiTh-OuT yOu Id....-::..
->Why Men Are Just Happier People<-
~30 TyPeS oF kIsSeS~
60 ThInGs YoU dOnT sAy To A nAkEd GuY!!
~!~50 ThInGs To Do At WaL-mArT ~!~
31 ThInGs GiRlS wAnT gUyS tO kNoW
-*- 50 ReAsOnS wHy GiRlS aRe BeTtEr!! -*-
ShE sAyS.......hE sAyS
DrInK aNd DrIvE??
TeAr JeRkEr!!
*NiGhTmArEs!!* (Funny shit)
Do YoU hAvE a DiRtY mInD???
*- WeIrD tHiNgS tO ThInK aBoUt-*
:*: StRaNgE FaCtZ :*:
.:: ABC's for Your Ex ::.

These are some awesome quotes, i love em!

I just never thought Id be replaced so soon.
I wasnt prepared to hear those words from you.
So, if its going to be this way, dont worry,
I can take the news okay.
But if you see me walking by and there are tears in my eyes,
[[PlEaSE JusT LoOk aWaY..]]


iM sIcK & TiReD oF pReTeNdiNg
tHaT EvEryThiNgS oKaY
mY tEaRz aRe sTaRtiN 2 sHoW..
n mY sMiLeZ FaDiN aWaY


Have you ever been in a situation, where the best thing you could do was the hardest thing you've ever done?


I know it's hard to believe, your still the biggest part of me, everything i live for, i still think about you, i still dream about you, i still want you, and want you by my side, even though i'm mad at you, all i ever wanted was to think i was the one for you


If you only knew how much i love you and how much you mean to me, maybe i woulnd't be hurting this bad


It's so hard to show everyone that i'm doing fine without you when deep inside i'm not. It's hard cuz i have to smile when i really can't hold back my tears...cuz as far as i can see, you're doing fine without me.


It's been hard to watch someone i love change before my eyes and know i can't do anything about it. But it's really sad to remember the way we once were...and how we could have been.

It's hard to get over him when everything reminds you of him

You said you'd never hurt'd never make me cry...boy i must admit... you told the perfect lie


*My HeArT BeLoNgS tO YoU*
*No MaTtEr WhAt i TrY*
*WhEn I GeT tHe CoUrAgE To LoVe SoMeOne NeW*
*It aLL FaLLs aPaRt CaUsE TheY cOuLd NeVa CoMpArE 2 U*


* L o V e *
Its hard 2 Find...Easy 2 lose
Makes you feel good...but *hurts* so bad
opens your eyes but makes you {blind}
fills up your heart & tears it a p a r t


A great love?? It's when you shed tears for him but still you care for him.
It's when he ignored you but you still long for him.
It's when he starts loving another,
and yet you manage a smile and find the courage to say "I'm happy for you."


I won't pretend i wanna stop living, i won't pretend i'm good at forgiving, i still can't hate you although i've tried...i still really love you and love is stronger than pride.


Sometimes when you split up it means forever, then there's sometimes when you get back together, sometimes you just need to see what's going on, and sometimes the time you take is way to long, you can make a move that you can regret, or worse, lose the best person you ever met


Love is rare, life is strange-nothing lasts and people change.


You messed with my heart for a bit, tore me right in two. All i have to say is, i really love you. I now understand the game, you had going on for so long, do you understand the pain, you put me through all along? You told me you loved me...what a all i'm left to do is sit down and cry.


The people who say "Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over you" obviously have no all...


Many people have touched my life, but sadly your not one of them. This is because you did more than touch my life, you left a mark for me to remember you by for the rest of my life.


For the times you made me cry and walked away saying goodbye, i cared for you, i cared for us, you can't tell me that this was just lust, all those nights under the stars now you're away, so far next time i won't fall for you or someone out of the blue, think about it next time you hurt a might destroy her whole world.


Maybe he's doing the same thing as me...maybe he wants so bad to call me, but just won't because i haven't called him...then again, maybe i shouldn't fill myself with false hope that he might just be missing me like i'm missing him


In every girls life there's a guy she'll never forget and a summer
where it all started


Just when you put it behind you just when you forget about where you have been, he comes back into your life and you realize you still need him


It's like every single memory of us brings a smile to my face, every conversation, every laugh, every moment. There's not a single day that i'm not reminded of the way things were. The way they used to be


My roses are red...but my violets turned black, my heart feels like your not coming back, so i lift my head and give out a little sigh, how did i let my angel fall out of my sky?


There are things you don't want to happn, but you gotta expect it, there are things you don't want to know, but you have to learn, and there are people you can't live without, but you have to let go


You wanted to hold my hand...i let you, you wanted to kiss me...i let you, you told me you loved me...and that was i know that guys are full of shit



I thought getting over you would be no sweat no i know it's all i'm seeming to regret


Don't l.e.a.v.e. when i push you away, it's time like that when i n.e.e.d you the most


Hold on to the ones you love, because the best don't come twice


In love, but i dunno what to think from all the pain his lying brings, dunno how i can sleep at night not knowing if tomorrow will be alright


I'm so confused from loving you, though i always knew all the crazy things you do, i can't let myself run right back to you, but i'm still dreaming that your love is true

If you are going to love me, love me deeply. If your going to break my heart, then break it all. If you're going to care, care for me completly. If you decide not to hold me, then just let me fall. If you are going to stay, then stay forever. And if you want to leave, then do it today. If you are going to change, then change for the better. And if you are going to talk, then please mean what you say


After everything you've done to me, after all the times you made me cry, after all the times you made me feel like i was nothing, after all the tmes you told me you hated me, after all the time you hurt me, why is it i still can't let you go?


Breaking up is like a real bad cut, whether it takes a band-aid or stiches to heal, it still leaves a scar.

I loved real hard once but the love wasn't returned i found out the guy i'd die for was hardly concerned i tried and tried to keep him in my life i cried and cried i just couldn't make it right, i loved that man and if you've ever been i love you'd understand


It took me a second to notice you, a minute to know you, an hour to like you, a day to love you, but it would take an eternity to forget you


My mInD tELLs mE LIeS...
My hEaRt sCrEaMs 4 hELp...
My EyEz OnLy cRy...


Ú think I'm happy,
Ú think It's true..
What Ú don't realize..
Is that I'm a good actress too..


So many nights iv cried from the things u do

And though I could die from the thought of [[losing]] u


-=I smile each time) i hear ur _voice.. i cant help It( its not my [choice] my-- heart.. beats faster my_knees get weak --x- my stomach hurts n i can hardly breather.. |each n every moment feels (brand) NeW| I just cant help it im <crazy> bout u


*s0metimes the w0rst thing a guy can d0 is tell y0u
y0u can find s0me0ne better...
when all y0u want is him*


Your life is full of hurt and pain all
your problems drive you insane.
No reason to sit and wait for the
end time after time getting hurt once
x-» again «-x


i WiSh EvErYtHiNg iN mY LyFe RiGhT nOw WaS jUsT a dReAm
sO i CuD JuSt WaKe uP nOw aNd EvErYtHiNg wOuLd bE
. . .A L L . B E T T E R . . .


·YoU WeRe So bLiNd ² LeT Me Go·
·YoU HaD iT aLL BuT DiDNT KnOw·
·No1 U'LL eVeR FiNd WiLL Be·
·cLoSeR ²aLL
uR dReaMz tHeN Me·


*·.¸.°¨I tHiNk Of HiM aNd SoMeTiMeS fOrGeT tO bReAtHe¨°.¸.·*
::AnD i WoNdEr WhAt He ThInKs AbOuT::
:wHeN hE tHiNkS oF mE:
°.¸.*iF hE tHiNkS aT aLl*.¸.°


i CaNT FiNd dA wOrDz 2 SaY
2 teLL u ThaT i FeeL DiS WaY
iF u LoOK aT mE uL UndAsTaNd
aLL i wAnT iS 2 HoLD uR HaNd
WaNtiN u iS aLL i DrEaM
mY HeArT aCheS n i wANa ScReAm
iF OnLy u nEw mY FeeLiNs 4 u
i WiSh u FeLt dA sAmE WaY 2


if yOu LooK iNsiDe a GirL`s
[*.H - e - a - R - t.*]
yOu`D sEe HoW MuCh ShE
:'ReaLLy': criEsZ
y0u'll finD secrets hidden,
Best friends, and Lies
.. buT . whaT .y0u`LL . See . thE . Most .
is hOw
l| [ HarD ] | l it iS to sTay
[ ( strOng ) ]
wheN Nothing`s right
anD EveRythinG is wrong


hows it gonna be when it goes down
hows it gonna be when youre not around
hows it gonna be when you find out there was nothing
between you and me, cuz I dont care
[( h o w s . i t . g o n n a . b e ?)]


whoever said love isn't supposed to make you cry
[. . . L i e D . . .]

DaY n NiGhT
i DuNt nO wUt tA dO-
uR aLwAyZ oN mAh MiNd
iM dReAmIn Of
( y O u )


WhEn hEz aLL u ThINK aBoUT
-DrEaM aBoUt-
-TaLk aBoUt-
AnD tHE rEaSoN yOuRe LiViNg
*ThAtZ wHeN u KnOw u NeEd a LiFe*


,- ' h o w does it feel ? '-,
'-, now that you know, ,-'
,- ' you couLda haD me, '-,
'-, but y o u let me go. ,-'
,- ' I wiSh u h a d seen '-,
'-, yoU were my world. ,-'
,-- ' and u had the heArt '--,
,'of this now heartbroken grl '


[X]I like you because of who you are to me[X]
[X]I hate you because of what you did to me[X]
[X]I miss you because you got her, not me[X]
[X]I love you and that's how it will always be[X]


YoUr mY *dReAm* CoMe TrUe,
BuT uNfOrTaNtLy I'vE fOuNd oUt
YoUrE mY wOrSt *NiGhTMaRe* tOo


i GuEsS mE gEtTiNg UpSeT oVeR sTuPiD tHiNgS
iS mY wAy Of ShOwInG yOu HoW mUcH i CaRe


[[yOu dOnT diE oF a BrOkEn heArt, yOu jUst wIsh yOu dId]]


its not wut i feel for y.o.u
its wut i dont feel for any1 but y.o.u
sum1 asked me what i saw in y.o.u
and my only answer was
e v e r y t h i n g


The question isn't 'Would you die for a friend?'
it's 'Do you have a friend worth dying for?'


iM aLoNe RiGht nOw
JuS mE mYsELf aNd i
iM LoOkIn At wHaTz LeFt oF mE
..JuS wAiTiN tO cRy..

i KnOw yOu'LL pRoLLy ChEaT
i KnO yOu'LL prOLLY LiE
BuT StILL i StAnD hErE SaYiNg
--i DoNt wANt aNy oTHer GuY


y0u br0kE mY hEaRt
ToRe iT aPaRt
y0u mAdE mE cRy
`n MaDe mE wAnNa DiE
y0u mADe mE sAd
aNd i wUz HuRtIn So BaD
WeLL nOw i`m LeTtiN u kN0 fOuNd SuM1 nEw
i LoVe HiM m0rE tHaN i LoVeD yOo
`n He LoVeZ mE tEw
sO HuNni i`m LeTtIn YoU kNoW tHaT i`m ThRu WiT yOo


baby theresz .n O t h i n q. mOre tO *say*
yOu cOmPlete me in [[ evErY waY ]]
i never loved sOmeone so much in my life
i never felt ne.01 love me baq the way u do
i never wanna feel this way with neOne';
- - - - »[( B u T * y O u )]«- - - -




i dont think you have [ any ] idea.. what
i would give .. just to be with y 0 u « - .



the little v0ice in my head w0n't let me f0rget
the little *v0ice in my head is `never` misled
aLL 0f this n0ise is what
keeps me from making a .¸¸.·´¨`»mess
the l[ little v0ice ]l in my .h.e.a.d.
just w 0 n ' t let me get [(( 0ver ))] y0u

i miss you more just hearin y0ur voice
but that's all we've got -- we have no
choice - if i could have jus wun dream
come true * I' d dream a dream that i
could --» b e w i t h y o u «- «x3


i'll close my eyes .. let the [ whole ] thing pass
me By, there is no time to waste.. asking why
i`ll run away with you* my side ;; i need to
let go of this pride, yea // i think about
ur face
&how i fall into your eyes,I dont need to solve
this case and I dont n e e d to look behind`[


Ask all my friends they`ll tell ya
- - y0u`re all i talk aBout - -
e v e n w h e n i g o t o s l e e p
- y0u`re the only 1 i *dream* about




hope u like em!