:*: StRaNgE FaCtZ :*:
AbOuT mE!!
My otha half (lol)
What Does It Take To Be Free?
PiCs Of MaH FaMiLy!!!
MaH gIrLz
MaH bOyZ!!
My Cali guy!!
Laph In Ya Fase Recordz!!!
SaD/hEaRt BrEaK qUoTeS.
..::-WiTh-OuT yOu Id....-::..
->Why Men Are Just Happier People<-
~30 TyPeS oF kIsSeS~
60 ThInGs YoU dOnT sAy To A nAkEd GuY!!
~!~50 ThInGs To Do At WaL-mArT ~!~
31 ThInGs GiRlS wAnT gUyS tO kNoW
-*- 50 ReAsOnS wHy GiRlS aRe BeTtEr!! -*-
ShE sAyS.......hE sAyS
DrInK aNd DrIvE??
TeAr JeRkEr!!
*NiGhTmArEs!!* (Funny shit)
Do YoU hAvE a DiRtY mInD???
*- WeIrD tHiNgS tO ThInK aBoUt-*
:*: StRaNgE FaCtZ :*:
.:: ABC's for Your Ex ::.

:*: StRaNgE FaCtZ :*:
-A duck's *quack* doesnt echo, and no one knowz why...

-Pinocchio is Italian for *pine head*

-Camel's milk does not curdle

-Cat's urine glows under a blacklight

-An ostrich's eye is bigger then it's brain

-A pig's *orgasm* lasts for 30 minutes

-Your stomach has to produce a new layer of MuCuS every two weeks or it will digest itself. 

-Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles from flushing

-No piece of paper can be folder in half more then 7 times

-Donkeys kill more people annually then plane crashes

-Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise

-Apples, not caffeine, are *more* efficient at waking you up in the morning

-The plastic things on the end of ShOeLaCeS are called Aglets

-Adolf Hitler's mother seriously considered having an abortion but was talked out of it by her doctor

-Marilyn Monroe had *six* toes on one of her feet

-Pearls melt in vinegar

-Snails can sleep for 3 years without eating

-There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar

-A pregnant goldfish is called a *twit*

-Rocks *explode* in microwaves

-Coca-cola is better at cleaning your drain pipes then products is like Draino

-You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of CoKe and it will be gone in *2* days

-To Clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the toilet bowl...let it sit for one hour then flush clean

-The hawaiian alphabet has 12 letters

-The only food that doesn't spoil is HoNeY

-Polar bears are Left-handed

-An average person *laughs* about 15 times a day

-Most Lipstick contains FiSh sCaLeS

-If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top then sinking to the bottom.

-It is phisically impossible to piss and give blood at the same time

-the youngest parents in the world were the ages of 8 and 9 and lived in China

-Mel Blanc, who is the voice of Bugs Bunny, is allergic to *carrots*

-Aligators can't stick out their tongue

-Babies are born without knee caps. They dont appear untill the child reaches 2-6 years of age.

-Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump

-Chocolate killz dogs!! True, chocolate affects a dogs heart and nervous system, just a few *ounces* is enough to kill a small dog

-CocCa~CoLa was originally green

-The average person will spend approximately 2 weeks of their life kissing.

-Blue is the favorite color of 80% of AmEriCaNs

-Months that begin with Sunday will *always* have a Friday the 13th

-All of the clocks in the movie Pulp Fiction are stuck on 4:20

-Hampsters blink 1 eye at a time

-"Dreamt" is the only English word that ends in the letters "mt."

-It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open