..::-WiTh-OuT yOu Id....-::..
AbOuT mE!!
My otha half (lol)
What Does It Take To Be Free?
PiCs Of MaH FaMiLy!!!
MaH gIrLz
MaH bOyZ!!
My Cali guy!!
Laph In Ya Fase Recordz!!!
SaD/hEaRt BrEaK qUoTeS.
..::-WiTh-OuT yOu Id....-::..
->Why Men Are Just Happier People<-
~30 TyPeS oF kIsSeS~
60 ThInGs YoU dOnT sAy To A nAkEd GuY!!
~!~50 ThInGs To Do At WaL-mArT ~!~
31 ThInGs GiRlS wAnT gUyS tO kNoW
-*- 50 ReAsOnS wHy GiRlS aRe BeTtEr!! -*-
ShE sAyS.......hE sAyS
DrInK aNd DrIvE??
TeAr JeRkEr!!
*NiGhTmArEs!!* (Funny shit)
Do YoU hAvE a DiRtY mInD???
*- WeIrD tHiNgS tO ThInK aBoUt-*
:*: StRaNgE FaCtZ :*:
.:: ABC's for Your Ex ::.

The nite was dreary as the rain came down
she said lets go for a ride away from town
all thru the ride she had nothing to say
it was almost as if something stood in her way
then suddenly it came out of the blue
my parents said i have to break up with you
im sorry she said i cant pretend
my parents said our love must end
she took off his ring as tears came from his eyes
at the same time the fear of losing her began to rise
with tears threatening to fall he held them back
as he unconsciously parked the car on a railroad track he wrote something on a piece of paper
he held her hand and said read it later
he always wished they would never part
he said in a sad voice, you just broke my heart
she opened the door & walked out into the rain
thats when she saw the lights of the train
realizing too late what she had sighted
With the blink of an eye metal collided
all she could remember was blood running red
and someone saying im sorry hes dead
the ambulance sounded like an agony cry
then she read the paper and it said without you id die..

^^^sooo sad *wipes tears from eyes*