AbOuT mE!! My otha half (lol) What Does It Take To Be Free? SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!! PiCs!!! PiCs Of MaH FaMiLy!!! MaH gIrLz MaH bOyZ!! My Cali guy!! Laph In Ya Fase Recordz!!! QuOtEs!! SaD/hEaRt BrEaK qUoTeS. ..::-WiTh-OuT yOu Id....-::.. ->Why Men Are Just Happier People<- ~30 TyPeS oF kIsSeS~ 60 ThInGs YoU dOnT sAy To A nAkEd GuY!! ~!~50 ThInGs To Do At WaL-mArT ~!~ 31 ThInGs GiRlS wAnT gUyS tO kNoW -*- 50 ReAsOnS wHy GiRlS aRe BeTtEr!! -*- ShE sAyS.......hE sAyS ~OmG sOo SaD!!~ READ THIS DrInK aNd DrIvE?? TeAr JeRkEr!! *NiGhTmArEs!!* (Funny shit) ~!~Condoms~!~ Do YoU hAvE a DiRtY mInD??? *- WeIrD tHiNgS tO ThInK aBoUt-* :*: StRaNgE FaCtZ :*: .:: ABC's for Your Ex ::. Credits

I'm not takin credit or saying that i have made any of the glitter signs/banners/avatars/or blinkes on my site. Annie made some of the avatars/banners/and glitter signs, if you want to know witch ones just ask me, her site is http://www.anca.tineret.org and u can ask her to make u something at www.aimgirl.com